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For Valentine’s Day: Measure your relationship with a scientific self-test
Romantic relationships are one of the most important factors in people’s psychological well-being and can contribute to improving quality of life and preventing mental health problems. Despite this, there is often a lack of reliable and easily accessible tools to measure the state of romantic relationships. This is where the Valentine Scale plays an important role, says Per Carlbring, professor of psychology at Stockholm University and one of the researchers behind the study.
Stockholm University - 2/11/2025

As more Americans work later in life, poll shows positive health impacts, especially for those over 65
Having a job – whether it’s working for someone else or being their own boss – gives older Americans more than just a way to earn money or get health insurance, a new poll finds. More than two-thirds of those who work after age 50 say that working boosts their physical health, mental health, and/or their overall wellbeing, according to a new report from the University of Michigan National Poll on Healthy Aging. Nearly half (46%) of those who work say that having a sense of purpose is ...
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan - 2/11/2025

When teen body image becomes a deadly perception: Adolescents who feel overweight face triple the risk of self-harm, new UTA study finds
Adolescents who perceive themselves as overweight are three times more likely to consider committing self-harm compared to those who do not, regardless of whether the person is objectively overweight, according to a new study released by The University of Texas at Arlington. “What we found was that the perception of being overweight has a much stronger effect of suicidal ideation than the objective measure of weight,” said Philip Baiden, an associate professor of social work ...
University of Texas at Arlington - 2/10/2025

The link between finances and loneliness in older adults
Older adults who didn’t have enough savings to cover emergency expenses during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic faced another surprising problem: higher levels of loneliness. In a new study, researchers at The Ohio State University found that adults over the age of 65 faced increases in loneliness during the pandemic, regardless of income level or wealth. But those who said they would have to use a credit card to pay off an emergency expense over time were more likely to ...
Ohio State University - 2/10/2025

Nurses worldwide experience stress, loss, and violence: More than 9,000 nurses surveyed across 35 countries share mental health challenges coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic
A first-of-its-kind study provides a snapshot of the substantial mental health burden on nurses around the world. Published in the journal International Nursing Review, the research documents the impact of three years of intense working conditions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. “Our study describes how nurses are affected by stressors in their workplace and shows how the stress carries over into their home life. The personal losses from the pandemic complicate this ...
New York University - 2/10/2025

Scientists find that a playful approach to life activates ‘lemonading’, which helps people cope with adversity
Scientists have found that taking a playful approach to life doesn’t mean you don’t take your situation seriously, but it can mean you cope with it better. By surveying people about their experiences during a Covid-19 lockdown, they learned that more playful people were more positive about the future and coped more actively and creatively. Life gave them lemons, and they made lemonade. “Our study revealed that playfulness and resilience are intimately connected through what we call ...
Frontiers - 2/10/2025

Scientists discover brain mechanism that helps us overcome fear: Research reveals how the brain learns to suppress instinctive fear responses, pointing to new potential targets for PTSD and anxiety treatments
Researchers at the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre (SWC) at UCL have unveiled the precise brain mechanisms that enable animals to overcome instinctive fears. Published today in Science, the study in mice could have implications for developing therapeutics for fear-related disorders such as phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The research team, led by Dr Sara Mederos and Professor Sonja Hofer, mapped out how the brain learns to suppress responses ...
Sainsbury Wellcome Centre - 2/6/2025

Air pollution clouds the mind and makes everyday tasks challenging: Brief exposure to high concentrations of particulate matter may impair a person’s ability to focus on tasks
People's ability to interpret emotions or focus on performing a task is reduced by short-term exposure to particulate matter (PM) air pollution, potentially making everyday activities, such as the weekly supermarket shop, more challenging, a new study reveals. Scientists discovered that even brief exposure to high concentrations of PM may impair a person's ability to focus on tasks, avoid distractions, and behave in a socially acceptable manner.
University of Birmingham - 2/6/2025

The truth may hurt, but for couples, it's worth it
"Honey, do you think I look good in this outfit?" That's hands down a loaded question. One that begs an even deeper question -- is honesty always the best policy in a relationship? While a truthful answer may offend and lead to a quarrel, a dishonest one may create trust issues down the road. Does telling the truth strengthen romantic relationships, or does it backfire? Bonnie Le, an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Rochester, may have the answer ...
University of Rochester - 2/5/2025

Scientists reveal gut microbes' hidden role in anxiety: Could probiotics be the next mental health breakthrough?
Could the key to easing anxiety be hidden in our gut? Scientists from Duke-NUS Medical School and the National Neuroscience Institute have discovered a crucial connection between gut microbes and anxiety-related behaviour. Their research, published today in EMBO Molecular Medicine, suggests that microbial metabolites- specifically indoles-play a direct role in regulating brain activity linked to anxiety. This finding opens up exciting possibilities for new probiotic-based therapies ...
Duke-NUS Medical School - 2/5/2025

Only seven out of 100 people worldwide receive effective treatment for their mental health or substance-use disorders
New research estimates that globally, only 6.9 per cent of people with mental health or substance-use disorders receive effective treatment for their disorders. Researchers from the University of British Columbia and Harvard Medical School analyzed survey data from nearly 57,000 participants in 21 countries collected over a 19-year period, to provide the clearest picture yet of where people discontinue their path to effective treatment for nine common anxiety, mood and substance-use disorders.
University of British Columbia - 2/5/2025

Study finds new link between food choices, depression and Alzheimer's Disease
New research from Edith Cowan University (ECU) has shown that diet could influence the risk of both depression and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Evidence suggests that depressive symptoms are both a risk factor for AD and a reaction to early memory problems. ECU Researcher Dr Samantha Gardener noted that healthy dietary patterns potentially attenuate some of the negative impact depressive symptoms have on AD-related blood-based biomarker alterations. These biomarkers are ...
Edith Cowan University - 2/5/2025

Common treatment for binge eating disorder shows mixed results
Patients taking a commonly used stimulant for the treatment of binge eating disorder experienced mixed results, according to Rutgers Health researchers. “Binge eating disorder is the most common eating disorder in the United States, yet there is no drug specifically developed for the condition that affects people of all racial and ethnic groups,” said Abanoub Armanious, a master of science student at Rutgers School of Public Health and lead author of the study.
Rutgers University - 2/3/2025

Optimizing ADHD treatment: revealing key components of cognitive–behavioral therapy
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a well-known neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the brain's ability to regulate attention and control impulses. It poses many challenges to those affected, typically making it difficult for them to sustain focus, follow through with instructions, and maintain a calm and restful state. As one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders, ADHD impacts individuals throughout their lives, creating a breadth of ...
University of Fukui - 2/3/2025

Does drinking alcohol really take away the blues? It's not what you think
A new study from the University of Chicago Medicine reveals that people with alcohol use disorder (AUD) and depression experience high levels of stimulation and pleasure when intoxicated, similar to drinkers who do not have depression. The findings counter the long-held belief that the pleasure people experience when drinking alcohol decreases with addiction and that drinking to intoxication is mainly to reduce negative feelings as a form of self-medication.
University of Chicago - 2/1/2025

Being social may delay dementia onset by five years: Social activities include dining out, traveling, even playing bingo
Visiting friends, attending parties and going to church may help keep your brain healthy, according to research conducted at Rush. The study, posted online in Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, shows that frequent social activity may help to prevent or delay dementia in old age. "This study is a follow up on previous papers from our group showing that social activity is related to less cognitive decline in older adults," said Bryan James, PhD, ...
Rush University Medical Center - 1/30/2025

Findings may lead to blood test to predict risk of postpartum depression
Women who go on to develop postpartum depression (PPD) may have characteristic levels of neuroactive steroids, molecules derived from the hormone progesterone, in their blood during the third trimester of pregnancy, according to a new study by researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine and the University of Virginia. These molecules influence the brain’s stress response and emotional regulation. The findings, published XX in Neuropsychopharmacology, suggest that ...
Weill Cornell Medicine - 1/30/2025

Antidepressants reduce anxiety, but long-term impact remains unclear
A new Cochrane review confirms that antidepressants effectively reduce symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) under trial conditions, although there is limited data on long-term usage. GAD affects millions of people worldwide and is characterized by excessive worry about everyday issues. Antidepressants, particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), are recognized treatments for GAD, ...
Cochrane - 1/29/2025

Patients with anorexia have elevated opioid neurotransmitter activity in the brain
A study conducted at Turku PET Centre in Finland showed that changes in the functioning of opioid neurotransmitters in the brain may underlie anorexia. Anorexia nervosa is a serious psychiatric disorder characterised by restricted eating, fear of gaining weight, and body image disturbances, which may lead to severe malnutrition, depression and anxiety. New study from Turku PET Centre shows how changes in neurotransmitter function in the brain may underlie anorexia.
University of Turku - 1/27/2025

Vacations are good for employee well-being, and the effects are long lasting: Take longer holidays, incorporate physical activity to maximize health benefits
If you're like many Americans, you probably didn't take all your vacation time this past year. Even if you did, it's highly likely you didn't fully unplug while off the clock. But you might want to change that if you want to improve your health and well-being, according to a new review article from the University of Georgia. The meta-analysis of 32 studies from nine countries suggests that not only are vacations more beneficial for boosting employee well-being than previously thought, ...
University of Georgia - 1/27/2025

What drives mood swings in bipolar disorder? Study points to a second brain clock: Researchers working with mice discover novel brain mechanism, potentially identifying new targets for treatment
A brain rhythm working in tandem with the body's natural sleep-wake cycle may explain why bipolar patients alternate between mania and depression, according to new research. The McGill University-led study published in Science Advances marks a breakthrough in understanding what drives shifts between the two states, something that, according to lead author Kai-Florian Storch, is considered the "holy grail" of bipolar-disorder research. "Our model offers the first universal ...
McGill University - 1/27/2025

Mental well-being and physical activity can form a positive cycle
According to a recent study, the tendency to experience positive affectivity contributed to people being physically active or even increasing their activity during the COVID-19 restrictions. In contrast, depressive feelings were linked to lower physical activity. The results suggest that mental well-being can help maintain a physically active lifestyle. Mental well-being and physical activity may thus form a positive cycle. In a study conducted at the Gerontology Research Center and ...
University of Jyväskylä - Jyväskylän yliopisto - 1/24/2025

Exploring decision making in people with obsessive compulsive disorder
Although obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) can be treated, research has shown that people with the disorder tend to have a lower quality of life than neurotypical people (Remmerswaal et al., 2016). Many struggle to achieve the same levels of education and financial stability as people without the disorder. In a recent Clinical Psychological Science study, researchers theorized one cognitive process could be to blame: decision making. In their November study, ...
Association for Psychological Science - 1/24/2025

Researchers track sharp increase in diagnoses for sedative, hypnotic and anxiety use disorder in young adults
The prevalence of diagnosed disorders from recurrent use of sedative, hypnotic and antianxiety medications in adolescents and young adults has increased sharply since 2001, according to Rutgers Health researchers. Their study, published in Addiction, examined diagnoses of these disorders in adolescents and young adults between 2001 to 2019. Sedative, hypnotic and antianxiety medications are used to treat a variety of conditions, including sleep and anxiety disorders.
Rutgers University - 1/23/2025

Adults diagnosed with ADHD may have reduced life expectancies
Adults who have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be living shorter lives than they should, finds a world-first study led by UCL researchers. The research, published in The British Journal of Psychiatry, analysed anonymised primary care data from 30,029 adults across the UK with diagnosed ADHD. They then compared this group with 300,390 participants without ADHD, who were matched by age, sex, and primary care practice.
University College London - 1/23/2025

Significant rise in mental health admissions for young people in last decade
There was a 65% increase in the number of children and young people being admitted to general acute medical wards in hospitals in England because of a mental health concern between 2012 and 2022, finds a new study led by UCL researchers. The study, published in The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health journal and funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) and the NIHR Great Ormond Street Hospital Biomedical Research Centre ...
University College London - 1/23/2025

How your brain learns from rewards might hold the key to treating depression
In a study in the Journal of Affective Disorders, Fralin Biomedical Research Institute scientists Pearl Chiu and Brooks Casas investigate how brain signals involved in reward learning might help personalize depression treatment. A brain signal that lights up when we anticipate rewards may hold the secret to helping people overcome depression, and Virginia Tech researchers are working to unlock its potential.
Virginia Tech - 1/22/2025

Exposure to stress during early pregnancy affects offspring into adulthood: Long-term study on wild monkeys in Thailand reveals health risks and opportunities for intervention
Maternal stress hormone levels during early pregnancy can have a lasting effect on the stress system of the offspring. The results of a long-term study on wild Assamese macaques in Thailand indicate that maternal stress in the first half of pregnancy is particularly relevant. Elevated stress hormones later during pregnancy or after birth did not have the same effects. The long-term study conducted by the University of Göttingen and the German Primate Center -- Leibniz Institute ...
Deutsches Primatenzentrum (DPZ)/German Primate Center - 1/22/2025

Violence on TV: What happens to children who watch?
Results of new study led by Linda Pagani, Professor at the Université de Montreal's School of Psychoeducation, long-term associated risks of early exposure to violent content in childhood and later teen antisocial behavior, more than a decade later. "Although past evidence showing causal links between modelling and getting rewarded for violence had an immediate impact on aggressive behavior in 4-year-old children, few studies have investigated long-term risks with antisocial behavior.
University of Montreal - 1/20/2025

Reducing teens’ psychological stress could save billions for US budget, study suggests
A new study suggests that boosting adolescent mental health is linked with long-term economic benefits. In contrast to similar findings from prior studies, these estimated relationships could be readily incorporated into standard government budgeting analyses for assessing potential policy impacts. Nathaniel Counts of The Kennedy Forum, US, and colleagues present this work in the open-access journal PLOS Medicine on January 16th. A growing body of research shows ...
PLOS - 1/16/2025

HKU study shows ruminating about being lonely is more closely linked to depression than actual loneliness
Loneliness is more likely to cause depression if one keeps ruminating on how lonely they are. This is the essence of a study by The University of Hong Kong (HKU) that has therapeutic implications for treating isolated individuals or populations. Past studies have identified a loneliness-rumination-depression nexus. Rumination is defined as repetitive and intrusive negative thoughts and feelings, and loneliness as a gap between desired and actual social connections.
The University of Hong Kong - 1/15/2025

Scientists uncover rapid-acting, low-side-effect antidepressant target
Depression continues to grapple a large proportion of the population. Given the side effects associated with the long-term use of conventional antidepressants, there is a need for novel rapid acting therapeutics with minimal side effects. Researchers from Tokyo University of Science have previously demonstrated antidepressant-like effects of delta opioid receptor agonists in rodents. In their latest study, they uncover the molecular and cellular mechanism underlying its ...
Tokyo University of Science - 1/14/2025

Retirement may lead to a deterioration in mental health, and alcohol use may worsen the issue, says new study: National US data, tracking more than 27,500 participants across 14 years, shows retirees who binge drink have more symptoms of depression
Retirees show more signs of depression than those who are still working – and heavy drinking may make their symptoms worse, a new study tracking tens of thousands of over-50s in the U.S reveals. Published in peer-reviewed journal Aging and Mental Health, findings, which monitored participants across a 14-year period, paint a complex picture. Results highlight that binge drinking appears to increase symptoms of depression when compared to those who do not drink at all.
Taylor & Francis Group - 1/13/2025

New research highlights trends in ADHD diagnoses
New research identifies differing trends in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnoses among adolescents and adults, including an increase among adults from 2020 to 2023. The study, published in the American Psychiatric Association Journal Psychiatric Research and Clinical Practice, found a significant downward trends in ADHD incidence among adults from 2016 to 2020 and adolescents from 2016 to 2018. The ADHD incidence rate remained stable for adolescents in subsequent years.
American Psychiatric Association - 1/13/2025

Preventing clinical depression: Early therapeutic interventions offer protection
Even individuals whose symptoms do not yet meet the criteria for clinical depression benefit from therapeutic interventions. This conclusion comes from a new meta-study led by researchers from Munich and Magdeburg who analyzed data from 30 studies. Participants who received interventions were significantly less likely to develop clinical depression within the first year. Common symptoms of depression include lack of motivation, difficulty sleeping, loss of interest, and ...
Technical University of Munich (TUM) - 1/8/2025

Risk of domestic abuse increases over time for those exposed to childhood maltreatment
For the study, published in Molecular Psychiatry, researchers analysed data from 12,794 participants born in England and Wales from the Twins Early Development Study (TEDS). TEDS began in 1994 and has followed twins born in England and Wales throughout their childhood, adolescence and into early adulthood. The twins and their families complete questionnaires and take part in interviews about different environmental and individual factors that might have been ...
University College London - 1/6/2025

New study reveals that sleep prevents unwanted memories from intruding
The link between poor sleep and mental health problems could be related to deficits in brain regions that keep unwanted thoughts out of mind, according to research from the University of East Anglia (UEA). Sleep problems play an important role in the onset and maintenance of many mental health problems, but the reason for this link is elusive. A new study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), offers fresh insight into the cognitive and ...
University of East Anglia - 1/2/2025

Psychedelic drug therapy may address mental health concerns in people with cancer and addiction
One or two doses of psilocybin, a compound found in psychedelic mushrooms, may improve the mental health of cancer patients when accompanied by psychotherapy, a new report suggests. A second new study found that treatment with psilocybin resulted in lasting, positive personality changes in patients with alcohol use disorder. The first report’s findings were published online Oct. 7 in the journal Nature Mental Health, and the second published online Jan. 1 in ...
NYU Langone Health / NYU Grossman School of Medicine - 1/2/2025

Renowned scientist reveals vital link between inflammation and depression through groundbreaking research
In a comprehensive Genomic Press Interview, distinguished neuroscientist Professor Raz Yirmiya unveils transformative insights into the relationship between inflammation and depression. As head of the Laboratory for Psychoneuroimmunology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Professor Yirmiya's work has fundamentally changed our understanding of depression's biological underpinnings. "Most depressed patients do not have any overt inflammatory disease. However, ...
Genomic Press - 12/31/2024

Brain structure differences are associated with early use of substances among adolescents
A study of nearly 10,000 adolescents funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has identified distinct differences in the brain structures of those who used substances before age 15 compared to those who did not. Many of these structural brain differences appeared to exist in childhood before any substance use, suggesting they may play a role in the risk of substance use initiation later in life, in tandem with genetic, environmental, and other neurological factors.
NIH/National Institute on Drug Abuse - 12/30/2024

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